Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the latest I can order for weekend availability?

    We can make your cake for Saturday if you place your order by Tuesday night at the latest!

  • What happens if I need to cancel/modify my order?

    To cancel or make any changes to your order, please contact us at to see how we can accommodate your requests. We do our best to help!

  • Can I add any message to write on my cake order?

    YES! We have a special selection of popular cake flavors and sizes that can include messages on the cake!

  • What kind of ingredients do you use?

    We use the finest ingredients. If you have any questions or concerns regarding a specific ingredient in any of our products (for allergies, etc.), please check with us directly at before placing an order. We have a list of the ingredients for every item we sell.

  • Can you deliver to the recipient?

    YES! We can deliver almost anywhere in the Austin metro area. We are located in North Austin, but can always deliver with an included appropriate fee.

  • How do I store my goods if they are not being immediately consumed?

    Every item has instructions on how to store, we typically give our customers instructions on refrigeration if the goods require it.

  • Do you have discounts?

    We love to have special rates for almost every holiday! Please check our social media to stay in touch and up to date on our specials!

  • Do you do cake tasting?

    Events like weddings and huge corporate events are a big commitment, so we are always happy to provide samples to allow for the correct choices to be made! Contact us to schedule yours!